Thursday, February 26, 2009


Well, the doctor doesn't seem to think now that Dave has Shingles. Good Lord! Wish someone would make up their mind. Soooooo, they are sending him today to get a CT scan and an X-ray of his back. Jean seemed either a little confused or overwhelmed (frustrated more than likely) when she was explaining it to me but I think they're looking for a pinched nerve somewhere. I myself think it's arthritis but guess we'll let the experts decide. The doc took him off his Valtrex (which is for the shingles) and another med they gave him that isn't an actual "pain" medication but it tricks your brain into thinking it is. I think it's used for Fibromyalgia. Anyway, Jean asked Cody to take them to the doc. She said she could drive, it's only in West Des Moines, but she can't get Dave in and out of the van by herself. I would like to watch Cody do this since he's all crippled up with his sling. LOL! I talked to him and he seemed to think that physically he would be able to help Dave. You will all be glad to know that after 80 years of not driving in Des Moines, Jean has started doing so! Isn't that funny? She just does alright now! As long as the doctors they see are in West Des Moines, she does just fine. She even said if she had to drive Dave to the hospital, she'd just get on Hickman and take it all the way to 6th avenue. I'm proud of her and she and I had a good hard laugh over the whole thing.

Cody is feeling slightly better, still stiff and sore. I think he can at least laugh now without being in too much pain. Will post more later.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yesterday at lunch I saw DawnRae and Pam at the West End Diner. What a coincidence. Had a nice short chat with them.

Dave now has Shingles! The pain he was experiencing in his hip, which he thought was his sciatic nerve ended up being a rash....thus shingles. That poor man...I'll tell ya. He needs to get on someone's good side! However, the last few times I talked to him (including this morning b4 work) his spirits seemed better.

Tim went and cleaned up Dave's work shop for him and moved the lawn furniture back to where Dave and Jean can get to it to sit down. He told Dave his shop was ready for him and that he made enough room that he can take his walker out there and get around if he wants to go out there and fart around.

Cody is now our next cripple! He was wrestling with the wrestling coach and he fell, landed on his shoulder and the coach landed on top of Cody! So basically he got crushed. He seperated his collarbone from his sternum. He's wearing a sling on his left arm and is in quite a lot of pain. Just not much you can do for it. Cody is our tough man (takes after his Grandma Jean!!!) He wouldn't complain about a broken leg even, but he's had me or Mackie tuck him into bed the last couple of nights with his ice bags. He can't even roll over in bed! We have to help him take his shirt off. That's a chore. He is however milking it for all it's worth with the girlfriend!

More later!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Back to work full time this week (8-4:30). I don't anticipate any problems and feel I am pretty much back to normal (whatever that is?) I see the doctor on Wednesday for my 4 week check-up. I'm not sure how happy she will be with me for returning to work so soon, but I just did things as I felt like it. Am still not lifting anything or vacuuming so hopefully she won't say too much.

Update on Dave:

I can't honestly say he's doing that good. Tim said Saturday that he started using his walker again and when I talked to Jean this morning she said that he thought he had what feels like a pinched nerve in his hip. Honestly, it's a wonder his back isn't hurting the way he sits forward and all hunched over in his chair. The P.A., Mike Barger, that makes house calls, usually leaves an extra shot of Demerol there. I guess Kristen gave Dave the shot last night after she called Mike. I'm hoping that Dave is not getting over medicated between the Xanax and Percocet and then the Demerol. However, Krissy's keeps a pretty watchful eye on him.

Sunday (yesterday) when I was there, he just didn't hardly acknowledge me. He had a small spot of skin cancer taken off the back of his neck and he had the bandage off. I hadn't seen it without the bandage and didn't know how large a spot it was. I walked over and looked at it and said something to him and he just looked at me with sort of a blank stare. Then he looks at Jean to interpret.
Again, I can't wait for spring, I hope getting out of the house will do him some good.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Had parent/teacher conferences last night. MacKenzie's teacher told me she could easily be Valedictorian of her class if she didn't miss so much school due to her migraines! Wow! She takes after her mother......not! She made the "A honor roll".

Deb has asked when we are going to have Cody's graduation party. Jean want's to have it the day before his graduation so we don't have to run back to the house to get stuff ready after the actual graduation. It will either be the 16th of May which is the Saturday before or on the 17th, the day of graduation. I will have enough help that we shouldn't have to "rush" back and set things up. I just want her to sit and enjoy the company anyway. I will talk to Jean and then get this set in stone so everyone can plan accordingly.

Hunting season interferred with Cody's senior pictures. Between Bow season, Shotgun Season, Pheasant Season, finishing up the mowing season, snow removal, ...oh yeah, racing and the new race car, working for Jim Book at Alley Auto and somehow finding time for Sarah (girlfriend) we didn't get all his senior pics done. I'll have to press him hard on that and Sarah is in my corner. She said she will help me "nag him to death" so if he get's it from the both of us he should be able to get them done.

Speaking of Sarah, today is her 18th birthday!

Today Dave has an appointment with the eye doctor. Jean said he needed to see the eye doctor before he fell in the spring last year and needs new glasses badly. I don't know as we will get the freezing drizzle they were talking about but just in case, Cody's going to check in with Jean before he goes to work. He actually checks in with her everyday. That way he can take the day off and drive them into the appointment if need be. Krissy's at school and can't take them and Kyle is working today so he can't take them either. Mackie could drive them since Alvin and Grandpa Dave pretty much taught her how to drive, but let's face it, she's only 13.

Alvin's got her driving everything imaginable down on the farm and I found out last weekend that he even has her running the "Gopher Hole Blaster"! When he said she had to wear a helmut to operate it, I thought to myself....glad I didn't know about it before hand!"

I am still feeling really good and working 9-3 this week seems fine. The truth will come about tomorrow or Friday. We'll just have to see how tired I get, but I don't think that will be an issue.

Before I sign off, I want to request prayers for my internet friend Rolly and his wife Jan. They found a tumor in her bladder and she's to have surgery on the 25th. She is a breast cancer survivor. XO to you Jan!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Everyone has a "Blog" these days so I thought "why not start one of my own?" Seems like I'm constantly emailing this huge list of friends and relatives to fill them in on what is going on in the "Branam Clan" so thought this might be a fun way to do it.

Today is my first "official" week back to work after surgery (hysterectomy. I'm going to try to work every day from 9-3 or so. It was OK staying home and I found myself tuning in the Walton's at 8AM everyday, ELLEN at 3 everyday and then possibly OPRAH so I realized I needed to get back to work. Not only that, Dick (the boss) kept giving me hard time ;-) so I decided it was time to get back "at it".

Cody is starting to work on his race car. He has it out to a friends house in the shed and went out yesterday to start working on it. Tim bought him a trailer to haul it around on or should I say, Cody is now "even" in his wages. He kept telling Tim he owed him "X" amount of dollars for mowing/snow removal so they worked out a deal and now the Code Man has a trailer. I bet we got the short end of the stick on that! Don't ask me the details about the trailer, I just know that it serves it's purpose. It will give them both something to "fart" around with between snow and mowing season. They have yet to "tweak" the know, put a tool box on it etc.

MacKenzie has come down with a terrible case of "horse fever" and I'm blaming it all on Karen and Alvin. She spends a lot of weekends down in Greenfield which has become her 2nd home and she and Katie have a good time together. She's anxious for spring and has informed us that she is joining 4H in Adair county this year so she can show at the county fair. She's also going to the Palimino World's in Tulsa!

Grandpa Dave is doing ok. We can't wait until he is able to get outside in the spring. I think that will be huge for his attitude and well being to get out and blow the stink off....right now he just sits in the house and watches TV and doesn't say a whole lot. I think he sits in fear of having another "attack" which we feel is a flair up of his GERD (Gastoesophageal Reflux Disease). It's a horrific pain in the middle of his chest that just has to pass. Not much we can do except help him through it. Kristen gives his Xanax ( o calm him), Percocet (for pain) and lots of Mylanta (under doctor supervision) when it occurs. Thank God she is there to help him.

We are having Cody's graduation at Jean & Dave's this May. (Grandma said so! LOL!) We will be busy cleaning up the yard and planting flowers and we will need a foreman so I'm sure Dave will be in charge of that. They just had the big tree in their front yard removed and that beautiful Linden tree in the back by the garden removed so there's lots to clean up and make beautiful. He misses his garden work I know and the exercise and fresh air will do wonders for him.