Monday, February 23, 2009

Back to work full time this week (8-4:30). I don't anticipate any problems and feel I am pretty much back to normal (whatever that is?) I see the doctor on Wednesday for my 4 week check-up. I'm not sure how happy she will be with me for returning to work so soon, but I just did things as I felt like it. Am still not lifting anything or vacuuming so hopefully she won't say too much.

Update on Dave:

I can't honestly say he's doing that good. Tim said Saturday that he started using his walker again and when I talked to Jean this morning she said that he thought he had what feels like a pinched nerve in his hip. Honestly, it's a wonder his back isn't hurting the way he sits forward and all hunched over in his chair. The P.A., Mike Barger, that makes house calls, usually leaves an extra shot of Demerol there. I guess Kristen gave Dave the shot last night after she called Mike. I'm hoping that Dave is not getting over medicated between the Xanax and Percocet and then the Demerol. However, Krissy's keeps a pretty watchful eye on him.

Sunday (yesterday) when I was there, he just didn't hardly acknowledge me. He had a small spot of skin cancer taken off the back of his neck and he had the bandage off. I hadn't seen it without the bandage and didn't know how large a spot it was. I walked over and looked at it and said something to him and he just looked at me with sort of a blank stare. Then he looks at Jean to interpret.
Again, I can't wait for spring, I hope getting out of the house will do him some good.

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