Monday, February 16, 2009

Everyone has a "Blog" these days so I thought "why not start one of my own?" Seems like I'm constantly emailing this huge list of friends and relatives to fill them in on what is going on in the "Branam Clan" so thought this might be a fun way to do it.

Today is my first "official" week back to work after surgery (hysterectomy. I'm going to try to work every day from 9-3 or so. It was OK staying home and I found myself tuning in the Walton's at 8AM everyday, ELLEN at 3 everyday and then possibly OPRAH so I realized I needed to get back to work. Not only that, Dick (the boss) kept giving me hard time ;-) so I decided it was time to get back "at it".

Cody is starting to work on his race car. He has it out to a friends house in the shed and went out yesterday to start working on it. Tim bought him a trailer to haul it around on or should I say, Cody is now "even" in his wages. He kept telling Tim he owed him "X" amount of dollars for mowing/snow removal so they worked out a deal and now the Code Man has a trailer. I bet we got the short end of the stick on that! Don't ask me the details about the trailer, I just know that it serves it's purpose. It will give them both something to "fart" around with between snow and mowing season. They have yet to "tweak" the know, put a tool box on it etc.

MacKenzie has come down with a terrible case of "horse fever" and I'm blaming it all on Karen and Alvin. She spends a lot of weekends down in Greenfield which has become her 2nd home and she and Katie have a good time together. She's anxious for spring and has informed us that she is joining 4H in Adair county this year so she can show at the county fair. She's also going to the Palimino World's in Tulsa!

Grandpa Dave is doing ok. We can't wait until he is able to get outside in the spring. I think that will be huge for his attitude and well being to get out and blow the stink off....right now he just sits in the house and watches TV and doesn't say a whole lot. I think he sits in fear of having another "attack" which we feel is a flair up of his GERD (Gastoesophageal Reflux Disease). It's a horrific pain in the middle of his chest that just has to pass. Not much we can do except help him through it. Kristen gives his Xanax ( o calm him), Percocet (for pain) and lots of Mylanta (under doctor supervision) when it occurs. Thank God she is there to help him.

We are having Cody's graduation at Jean & Dave's this May. (Grandma said so! LOL!) We will be busy cleaning up the yard and planting flowers and we will need a foreman so I'm sure Dave will be in charge of that. They just had the big tree in their front yard removed and that beautiful Linden tree in the back by the garden removed so there's lots to clean up and make beautiful. He misses his garden work I know and the exercise and fresh air will do wonders for him.

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